The operational risk assessment required by Article 11 of the UAS Regulation may be conducted using the methodology described in AMC1 Article 11. This methodology is basically the specific operations risk assessment (SORA) developed by JARUS. Other methodologies might be used by the UAS operator as alternative means of compliance.

Unmanned free balloons are unmanned aircraft and shall thus comply with Regulation (EU) 2019/947. For this type of aircraft, compliance with Appendix 2 to Regulation (EU) No 923/2012 is considered an acceptable means of compliance with Article 11.

Aspects other than safety, such as security, privacy, environmental protection, the use of the radio frequency (RF) spectrum, etc., should be assessed in accordance with the applicable requirements established by the Member State in which the operation is intended to take place, or by other EU regulations.

For some UAS operations that are classified as being in the ‘specific’ category, alternatives to carrying out a full risk assessment are offered to UAS operators:

(a) for UAS operations with lower intrinsic risks, a declaration may be submitted when the operations comply with the standard scenarios (STSs) listed in Appendix 1 to the UAS Regulation. Table 1 provides a summary of the STSs; and

(b) for other UAS operations, a request for authorisation may be submitted based on the mitigations and provisions described in the predefined risk assessment (PDRA) when the UAS operation meets the operational characterisation described in AMC2 et seq. Article 11 to the UAS Regulation. Table 2 below provides a summary of the PDRAs that have been published so far.

While the STSs are described in a detailed way, the provisions and mitigations in the PDRAs are described in a rather generic way to provide flexibility to UAS operators and the competent authorities to establish more prescriptive limitations and provisions that are adapted to the particularities of the intended operations. Two types of PDRAs are provided:

      those derived from an STS, which allow the UAS operator to conduct similar operations, but using, for example, UAS without the class label that is mandated by the STS (e.g. privately built UAS); and

             more generic PDRAs.

The codification of a PDRA includes the letter ‘G’ or ‘S’ (e.g. PDRA-G01 or PDRA-S01):

             ‘G’ is used for generic PDRAs.

             ‘S’ is used for PDRAs that are derived from an STS whose level of prescriptiveness is the same as of the corresponding STS. Therefore, those PDRAs, although they address UAS operations that are subject to operational authorisations (to allow the use of UAS without a class label), are expected to provide an even more simplified authorisation process compared to other (non-STS-related) PDRAs. Ideally, for UAS operations that are performed based on those PDRAs, the competent authorities may implement expedited operational-authorisation processes. Those processes may be based on the review of the documentation that is submitted by the UAS operator to support the declaration of compliance with the PDRA provisions.

In accordance with Article 11 of the UAS Regulation, the applicant must collect and provide the relevant technical, operational and system information needed to assess the risk associated with the intended operation of the UAS, and the SORA (AMC1 Article 11 of the UAS Regulation) provides a detailed framework for such data collection and presentation. The concept of operations (ConOps) description is the foundation for all other activities, and should be as accurate and detailed as possible. The ConOps should not only describe the operation, but also provide insight into the UAS operator’s operational safety culture. It should also include how and when to interact with the air navigation service provider (ANSP) when applicable.

PDRAs only address safety risks; consequently, additional limitations and provisions might need to be included after the consideration of other risks (e.g. security, privacy, etc.).



UAS characteristics


Overflown area

Maximum range from remote pilot

Maximum height




June 2020

Bearing a C5 class marking (maximum characteristic dimension of up to 3 m and MTOM of up to 25 kg)


Controlled ground area that might be located in a populated area


120 m

Controlled or uncontrolled, with low risk of encounter with manned aircraft



June 2020

Bearing a C6 class marking (maximum characteristic dimension of up to 3 m and MTOM of up to 25 kg)


Controlled ground area that is entirely located in a sparsely populated area

2 km with an AO 1 km, if no AO

120 m

Controlled or uncontrolled, with low risk of encounter with manned aircraft


Table 1 — List of STSs published as ‘Appendix 1 for standard scenarios supporting a declaration’ to the Annex to the UAS Regulation

When UAS operators intend to conduct an operation covered by a PDRA, they should fill in the last two columns of the table related to the selected PDRA, named ‘integrity’ and ‘proof’. In the column ‘integrity’ they should explain how the level of integrity is met, and in the column ‘proof’ how the level of integrity is demonstrated. To support UAS operators, the two columns are already prefilled; however, the UAS operator may adapt the text to their needs.

If the UAS operation does not fit completely within the limits of the PDRA, the UAS operator is required to conduct a full risk assessment and submit it to the competent authority. Changes to the PDRA should not be done, unless the competent authority accepts that minor changes should be made.



UAS characteristics


Overflown area

Maximum range from remote pilot

Maximum height


AMC# to Article 11



1.1 / January 2022

Maximum characteristic dimension of up to 3 m and take-off mass of up to 25 kg


Controlled ground area that might be located in a populated area


150 m

Controlled or uncontrolled, with low risk of encounter with manned aircraft




1.1 / January 2022

Maximum characteristic dimension of up to 3 m and take-off mass of up to 25 kg


Controlled ground area that is entirely located in a sparsely populated area

2 km with an AO or with AOs

1 km, if no AO

150 m

Controlled or uncontrolled, with low risk of encounter with manned aircraft




1.2 / January 2022

Maximum characteristic dimension of up to 3 m and typical kinetic energy of up to 34 kJ


Sparsely populated area

If no AO, up to 1 km

150 m

(operational volume)

Uncontrolled, with low risk of encounter with manned aircraft




1.1 / January 2022

Maximum characteristic dimension of up to 3 m and typical kinetic energy of up to 34 kJ


Sparsely populated area


(direct C2 link)

As established for the reserved or segregated airspace

Reserved or segregated for the UAS operation




1.0 / January 2022

Maximum characteristic dimension of up to 3 m and typical kinetic energy of up to 34 kJ


Sparsely populated areas


(direct C2 link)

50 m from ground unless in reserved or segregated airspace

Controlled or uncontrolled airspace if height is below 50 m, otherwise reserved or segregated airspace



Table 2 — List of PDRAs published as AMC to Article 11 of the UAS Regulation

For the purposes of the SORA, the following definitions should apply:

      ‘populated area’ should be understood as ‘congested area’, as defined in Regulation (EU) No 965/2012 (the ‘Air Operations Regulation’): ‘in relation to a city, town or settlement, any area which is substantially used for residential, commercial or recreational purposes’; and

      ‘rural area’ is used in the context of the air risk and it means the volume outside a populated area and not within the aerodrome traffic zone (ATZ) of an aerodrome.


EDITION September 2023

(a) Scope

This PDRA addresses the same type of operations that are covered by the standard scenario STS-01 (Appendix 1 to the Annex to the UAS Regulation); however, it provides the UAS operator with the flexibility to use UASs that do not need to be marked as class C5.

This PDRA addresses UAS operations that are conducted:

(1) with UA with maximum characteristic dimensions (e.g. wingspan, rotor diameter/area or maximum distance between the rotors tips in the case of a multirotor) of up to 3 m;

(2) in VLOS of the remote pilot;

(3) over a controlled ground area that might be located in a populated area;

(4) below 150 m above ground level (AGL) (except when close to obstacles); and

(5) in controlled or uncontrolled airspace, provided that there is a low probability of encountering manned aircraft60 Member States are required to establish the appropriate measures (e.g. UAS geographical zones) to ensure this low probability of encounter. Such a low probability of encounter is equivalent to an ARC that is no higher than ARC-b. Thus, ARC-b is to be considered here as the highest residual (final) ARC..

(b) PDRA characterisation and conditions

The characterisation and conditions for this PDRA are summarised in Table PDRA-S01.1 below:

PDRA characterisation and conditions


Assurance level


Demonstration of integrity61 To be filled in by the UAS operator.

Demonstration of assurance62 To be filled in by the UAS operator.

1. Operational characterisation (scope and limitations)

Level of human intervention


1.1 No autonomous operations: the remote pilot should have the ability to maintain control of the UA, except in case of a loss of the command‑and control (C2) link.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

1.2 The remote pilot should operate only one UA at a time.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

1.3 The remote pilot should not operate the UA from a moving vehicle.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

1.4 The remote pilot should not hand the control of the UA over to another command unit.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

UA range limit


1.5 VLOS distance from the remote pilot at all times.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

Overflown areas


1.6 UAS operations should be conducted over a controlled ground area.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

1.7 For the operation of a tethered UA, the area should have a radius equal to the tether length plus 5 m, and should be centred on the point of the surface of the Earth where the tether is fixed.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

1.8 The UA should have a maximum characteristic dimension (e.g. wingspan, rotor diameter/area or maximum distance between rotors’ tips in the case of a multirotor) of less than 3 m.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

Flight height limit


1.9 The remote pilot should maintain the UA within 120 m (unless making use of the option defined in point 1.12) from the closest point of the surface of the Earth. The measurement of the distances should be adapted according to the geographical characteristics of the terrain, such as plains, hills, and mountains.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

1.10 When flying a UA within a horizontal distance of 50 m from an artificial obstacle that is taller than 105 m, the maximum height of the UAS operation may be increased up to 15 m above the height of the obstacle, at the request of the entity responsible for the obstacle.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

1.11 When UAS operators intend to operate at a height above 120 m, up to 150 m, they should define a risk buffer according to point 3.8 below.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’



1.12 The UA should be operated:



1.12.1 in uncontrolled airspace, unless different limitations are provided for by the Member States for their UAS geographical zones in areas where the probability of encountering manned aircraft is not low; or

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

1.12.2 in controlled airspace after coordination and flight authorisation in accordance with the published procedures for the area of operation, to ensure that the probability of encountering manned aircraft is low.

Note: Airspace with an air risk that is classified as not higher than ARC-b can be considered having a low probability of encountering manned aircraft.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’



1.13 The flight visibility should allow the remote pilot to conduct the entire flight in VLOS.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’



1.14 The UA should not be used to carry dangerous goods, except for dropping items in connection with agricultural, horticultural or forestry activities where the carriage of such items does not contravene any other applicable regulations.

Note: The operator shall comply with applicable national or international regulations on the use of plant protection products, chemicals, dangerous substances, and preparations as appropriate. This includes Directive 2009/128/EC establishing a framework for Community action to achieve the sustainable use of pesticides, if applicable.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

2. Operational risk classification (according to the classification defined in AMC1 to Article 11 of the UAS Regulation)

Final GRC


Final ARC




3. Operational mitigations

Operational and adjacent volume
(see Figure 2
of AMC1 Article 11)


3.1 The UAS operator should define the operational volume, ground risk buffer and adjacent volume for the intended operation, including:

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

3.1.1 the flight geography; and

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

3.1.2 the contingency volume, with its external limit(s) at least 10 m beyond the limit(s) of the flight geography if the operation is conducted with untethered UA.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

3.2 To determine the operational volume, the UAS operator should consider the position-keeping capabilities of the UAS in 4D space (latitude, longitude, height, and time).

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

3.3 In particular, the accuracy of the navigation solution, the flight technical error of the UAS, as well as the flight path definition error (e.g. map error) and latencies should be considered and addressed when determining the operational volume.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

3.4 The size of adjacent volume should be defined.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

3.5 The remote pilot should apply emergency procedures as soon as there is an indication that the UA may exceed the limits of the operational volume, as per point 5.3.9(d) below.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

3.6 No persons should be overflown when spraying liquids or dropping substances. Infrastructure or facilities can be overflown on request of the entity responsible for the infrastructure or facility.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

Ground risk


3.7 The UAS operator should establish a ground risk buffer to protect third parties on the ground outside the operational volume.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

3.8 For the operation of untethered UA, the ground risk buffer should cover a distance beyond the external limit(s) of the contingency area. That distance should be at least as defined below:

Max height AGL63 The closest point from the Earth should be considered.

Minimum distance for ground
risk buffer

with MTOM
of up to 10 kg

with MTOM
greater than 10 kg

10 m

5 m

10 m

30 m

10 m

20 m

60 m

15 m

30 m

90 m

20 m

45 m

120 m

25 m

60 m

150 m

30 m

75 m

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

3.9 For the operation of tethered UA, the ground risk buffer is considered in point 1.7 above.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

Air risk

Declaration supported by

3.10 If the UAS operation is performed above 120 m and up to 150 m, the UAS operator should:



3.10.1 establish an air risk buffer to protect third parties in the air outside the operational volume; and

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM, otherwise indicate ‘n/a’.

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

Justification supporting the reduction of the air risk buffer is documented in […] or ‘n/a’.

3.10.2 if the air risk buffer is part of controlled airspace, coordinate the operation with the respective ANSP;

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM, otherwise indicate ‘n/a’.

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’ ‘or n/a’

3.10.3 develop appropriate procedures to not jeopardise other airspace users.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

Please describe how the remote pilots

and, if employed, the AOs are able to assess the height of the UA compared to other airspace users64 The UAS operator should demonstrate that they have sufficient confidence in the accuracy of the information about the height of the UA and the means to advert and avoid other airspace users and obstacles in the vicinity of the UA., otherwise indicate ‘n/a’.

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’ ‘or n/a’


3.11 The operational volume should be outside any geographical zone corresponding to a flight restriction zone of a protected aerodrome or of any other type, as defined by the responsible authority, unless the UAS operator has been granted appropriate permission.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

3.12 Prior to the flight, the UAS operator should assess the proximity of the planned operation to manned aircraft activity.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

3.13 The UAS operator should establish a de-confliction scheme that allows the remote pilot to take efficient decisions in case of incoming traffic.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’



3.14 Airspace observers (AOs): n/a

UA observers: refer to point 5.3.9(b) below.



4. UAS operator and UAS operations conditions

UAS operator and UAS operations

Declaration supported by

4.1 The UAS operator should:



4.1.1 develop an operations manual (OM) (for the template, refer to AMC1 UAS.SPEC.030(3)(e) and to the complementary information in GM1 UAS.SPEC.030(3)(e));

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

4.1.2 define, and include in the OM, the procedure to determine the operational volume and ground risk buffer for the intended operation, as per points 3.1 to 3.6 above, and the adjacent volume;

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

4.1.3 develop procedures to ensure that that the operation is conducted safely and the security requirements applicable to the area of operations are complied with during the intended operation;

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

4.1.4 develop measures to protect the UAS against unlawful interference and unauthorised access;

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

4.1.5 develop procedures to ensure that all operations comply with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data. In particular, the UAS operator should carry out a data protection impact assessment, when this is required by the data protection national authority of the Member State with regard to the application of Article 35 of that Regulation;

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

4.1.6 develop guidelines for its remote pilots to plan UAS operations in a manner that minimises nuisance, including noise and other emissions‑related nuisance, to people and animals;

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

4.1.7 ensure the adequacy of the contingency and emergency procedures and prove it through any of the following:

(a) dedicated flight tests; or

(b) simulations, provided that the representativeness of the simulation means is proven valid for the intended purpose with positive results; or

(c) any other means acceptable to the competent authority;

Please describe how this condition is met

‘I declare compliance and that evidence is available to the competent authority for review.’

4.1.8 develop an effective emergency response plan (ERP) that is suitable for the intended operation (see GM1 UAS.SPEC.030(3)(e));

Please describe how this condition is met

‘I declare compliance and that evidence is available to the competent authority for review.’

4.1.9 upload updated information into the geo-awareness function, if such system is installed on the UAS, when required by the UAS geographical zone for the intended location of the operation;

Please describe how this condition is met

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

4.1.10 ensure that before starting the operation, the controlled ground area is in place, effective, and compliant with the minimum distance that is defined in points 3.1 and 3.5 above and, when required, coordination with the appropriate authorities has been established;

Please describe how this condition is met

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

4.1.11 ensure that before starting the operation, all persons that are present in the controlled ground area:



(a) have been informed of the risks of the operation;

Please describe how this condition is met

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

(b) have been briefed on or trained in, as appropriate, the safety precautions and measures that the UAS operator has established for their protection; and

Please describe how this condition is met

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

(c) have explicitly agreed to participate in the operation; and

Please describe how this condition is met

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

4.1.12 designate for each flight a remote pilot with adequate competency and other personnel in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation if needed;

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

4.1.13 in case the operation takes place in a controlled airspace, as part of the procedures that are contained in the OM (point 4.1.1 above), include the description of the following:

(a) the method and means of communication with the authority or entity responsible for the management of the airspace during the entire period of operation;

(b) the member(s) of personnel in charge of duties essential to the UA operation, who are responsible for establishing that communication;

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

4.1.14 ensure that the UAS operation effectively uses and supports the efficient use of the radio spectrum in order to avoid harmful interference;

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance and that supporting evidence is included in the OM.’

4.1.15 keep for a minimum of 3 years and maintain up to date a record of the information on UAS operations, including any unusual technical or operational occurrences and other data as required by the declaration or by the operational authorisation.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance and that recordkeeping data is available to the competent authority.’

UAS maintenance


4.2 The UAS operator should:



4.2.1 ensure that the UAS maintenance instructions that are defined by the UAS operator are included in the OM and cover at least the UAS manufacturer’s instructions and requirements when applicable; and

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

4.2.2 ensure that the maintenance staff follow the UAS maintenance instructions when performing maintenance;

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

4.2.3 keep for a minimum of 3 years and maintain up to date a record of the maintenance activities conducted on the UAS;

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

4.2.4 establish and maintain up to date a list of the maintenance staff employed by the operator to carry out maintenance activities;

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

4.2.5 comply with point UAS.SPEC.100, if the UAS uses certified equipment.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM or n/a.

‘I declare compliance.’ or ‘n/a’

External services


4.3 The UAS operator should ensure that the level of performance for any externally provided service that is necessary for the safety of the flight is adequate for the intended operation. The UAS operator should declare that this level of performance is adequately achieved.

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance.’

4.4 The UAS operator should define and allocate the roles and responsibilities between the UAS operator and the external service provider(s), if applicable.



5. Conditions for the personnel in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation



5.1 The UAS operator should keep and maintain up to date a record of all the relevant qualifications and training courses completed by the remote pilot and the other personnel in charge of duties essential to the UAS operation and by the maintenance staff for at least 3 years after those persons have ceased to be employed by the organisation or have changed position within the organisation.

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance.’

Record-keeping data is available for inspection at the request of the competent authority.

5.2 The remote pilot should have the authority to cancel or delay any or all flight operations under the following conditions:



5.2.1 the safety of persons is jeopardised; or

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

5.2.2 property on the ground is jeopardised; or

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

5.2.3 other airspace users are in jeopardy; or

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

5.2.4 there is a violation of the terms of the operational authorisation.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

Remote pilot


5.3 The remote pilot should:



5.3.1 not perform any duties under the influence of psychoactive substances or alcohol, or when they are unfit to perform their tasks due to injury, fatigue, medication, sickness or other causes;

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

5.3.2 be familiar with the manufacturer’s instructions provided by the manufacturer of the UAS;

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

5.3.3 ensure that the UA remains clear of clouds;

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

5.3.4 hold a certificate of remote pilot theoretical knowledge, in accordance with Attachment A to Chapter I of Appendix 1 to the Annex to the UAS Regulation, which is issued by the competent authority or by an entity that is designated by the competent authority of a Member State;

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance.’ or ‘n/a’

5.3.5 hold an accreditation of completion of a practical-skills training course for this PDRA, in accordance with Attachment A to Chapter I of Appendix 1 to the Annex to the UAS Regulation, which is issued by:

(a) an entity that has declared compliance with the requirements of Appendix 3 to the Annex to the UAS Regulation and is recognised by the competent authority of a Member State; or

(b) a UAS operator that has been authorised by the competent authority of the Member State of registration to operate according to this PDRA (or declared to the same competent authority, compliance with STS01) and with the requirements of Appendix 3 to the Annex to the UAS Regulation.

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance.’ or ‘n/a’

5.3.6 If operations are conducted at a height between 120 and 150 m, the remote pilot should undergo additional theoretical knowledge training in the following topics:



(a) raising awareness about the air risk and about the existence of other airspace users;

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance and that the training syllabus is available for inspection at the request of the competent authority.’

(b) checking height determination/ limitation devices; and

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance and that the training syllabus is available for inspection at the request of the competent authority.’

(c) using applicable procedures in case a manned aircraft is detected.

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance and that the training syllabus is available for inspection at the request of the competent authority.’

5.3.7 As an alternative to holding a certificate of remote pilot theoretical knowledge, according to point 5.3.4, and to holding an accreditation of completion of a practical-skills training course according to point 5.3.5, the operator may propose a dedicated training syllabus to the competent authority;

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance and that the training syllabus is available for inspection at the request of the competent authority.’



5.3.8 Before starting the UAS operation, the remote pilot should:



(a) verify that the means to terminate the UA flight and the remote identification system are operational;

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance.

(b) obtain updated information relevant to the intended operation about any geographical zones defined in accordance with Article 15 of the UAS Regulation; and

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.

(c) ensure that the UAS is in a safe condition to complete the intended flight safely and, if applicable, check whether the direct remote identification is active and up to date.

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.

5.3.9 During the flight:



(a) keep the UA in VLOS and maintain thorough visual scan of the airspace that surrounds the UA to avoid any risk of collision with manned aircraft; the remote pilot should discontinue the flight if the operation poses a risk to other aircraft, people, animals, environment or property;

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance.’

(b) for the purpose of point (a) above, possibly being assisted by a UA observer65 Please refer to point UAS.STS-02.050 for the responsibilities of the UA observer.; clear and effective communication should be established between the remote pilot and the UA observer;

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance.’

(c) use the contingency procedures that are defined by the UAS operator for abnormal situations, including situations where the remote pilot has an indication that the UA may exceed the limits of the flight geography; and

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance.’

(d) use the emergency procedures that are defined by the UAS operator for emergencies, including triggering the means to terminate the flight when the remote pilot has an indication that the UA may exceed the limits of the operational volume; the means to terminate the flight should be triggered at least 10 m before the UA reaches the limits of the operational volume;

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance.’

(e) keep the UA at a ground speed of less than 5 m/s in case of untethered UA;

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance.’

(f) activate the direct remote identification system66 Applicable from 1 July 2022..

Please include a reference to the relevant chapter/section of the OM.

‘I declare compliance.’

6. Technical conditions


Self-declaration67 The containment requirements (reference to point 5 of Part 16 of Regulation (EU) 2019/945) should be demonstrated with a medium assurance level.

6.1 The UAS operator should use a UAS marked as class C5 and complies with the requirements of that class, as defined in Part 16 of the Annex to Regulation (EU) 2019/945.


‘I declare that the UAS is marked with a class C5 identification label.’ or ‘n/a’

6.2 As an alternative to point 6.1, the UAS operator may use a UAS that complies with the requirements of Part 16 of the Annex to Regulation (EU) 2019/945, except that the UAS does not need to:

  • bear a class C3 UAS or a class C5 UAS identification label;
  • have an MTOM of less than 25 kg;
  • be exclusively powered by electricity, if the UAS operator ensures that the environmental impact that is caused by the use of non-electric UAS is minimised;
  • include an information notice that is published by EASA and provides the applicable limitations and obligations, as required by the UAS Regulation; and
  • include the manufacturer’s instructions for the UAS, if it is privately built; however, information on its operation and maintenance, as well as on the training of the remote pilot, should be included in the OM.

Note 1: The UAS can comply with point (9) of Part 4 of the Annex to Regulation (EU) 2019/945 by using an add-on that complies with Part 6 of the Annex to that Regulation.


Note 2: If the UA does not bear a physical serial number that is compliant with standard ANSI/CTA 2063-A ‘Small Unmanned Aerial Systems Serial Numbers’ and/or does not have an integrated system of direct remote identification, it can comply with point (9) of Part 4 of the Annex to Regulation (EU) 2019/945 by using an add-on that complies with Part 6 of the Annex to that Regulation.

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘I declare compliance.’ or ‘n/a’

6.3 In addition, if:

 the adjacent area does not include a populated area or an assembly of people; and

 the adjacent airspace is classified as ARC-a or ARC-b,

point 5 of Part 16 of the Annex to Regulation (EU) 2019/945 may be replaced with the following basic containment conditions:

 no probable failure of the UAS or of any external system that supports the operation would lead to operation outside the operational volume; and

 it is reasonably expected that a fatality will not occur due to any probable failure of the UAS or of any external system that supports the operation.

Please describe how this condition is met.

‘Basic containment applies and I declare that a design and installation appraisal is available and it covers at least:

 the design and installation features (independence separation, and redundancy); and

 the particular risks (e.g. hail, ice, snow, electromagnetic interference, etc.) relevant to the type of operation.’


‘Enhanced containment applies and I declare compliance with MoC Light-UAS.2511.

Analysis and/or test data with supporting evidence is available.’


‘The UAS has a DVR demonstrating compliance with the enhanced containment requirements.’

6.4 If designed to spray, the UA should:



6.4.1 be designed to avoid an accidental release of any substance;





6.4.2 have means for the remote pilot to immediately stop the spraying of liquids or dropping of substances in case of an emergency.



Table PDRA-S01.1 — Main limitations and conditions for PDRA-S01