Easy Access Rules for Third Country Operators
Revision from April 2023
Implementing Rules (IRs) (EU regulations)
Incorporated Commission Regulation
Affected Part
Regulation amendment
Applicability date3 This is the earliest date of application (i.e. the date from which an act or a provision in an act produces its full legal effects) as defined in the relevant cover regulation article. Some provisions of the regulations though may be applicable at a later date (deferred applicability). Besides, there may be some opt-outs (derogations from certain provisions) notified by the Member States.
Regulation (EU) No 452/2014
Annex 1 (Part-TCO)
Initial issue
Annex 2 (Part-ART)
Regulation (EU) 2016/1158
Annex 2 (Part-ART)
First amending regulation
Regulation (EU) 2023/659
Cover Regulation
Second amending regulation
Annex 1 (Part-TCO)
Annex 2 (Part-ART)
AMC/GM to IRs (ED decisions)
Incorporated ED Decision
AMC/GM Issue No, Amendment No
Applicability date4 This is the earliest date of application (i.e. the date from which an act or a provision in an act produces its full legal effects) as defined in the relevant cover regulation article. Some provisions of the regulations though may be applicable at a later date (deferred applicability). Besides, there may be some opt-outs (derogations from certain provisions) notified by the Member States.
ED Decision 2014/023/R
Initial issue to Annex 1 (Part-TCO)
ED Decision 2023/006/R
First amending Decision to Annex 1 (Part-TCO)
MB decisions
Incorporated MB Decision
Applicability date5 This is the earliest date of application (i.e. the date from which an act or a provision in an act produces its full legal effects) as defined in the relevant cover regulation article. Some provisions of the regulations though may be applicable at a later date (deferred applicability). Besides, there may be some opt-outs (derogations from certain provisions) notified by the Member States.
MB Decision No 01-2014
First issue
MB Decision No 01-2023
Second issue
Note: To access the official versions, please click on the hyperlinks provided above.