
Future Propulsion and Integration: towards a hybrid-electric SO-seat regional aircraft

FᴜᴛPʀIɴᴛ50 is an EU funded collaborative research project set out to identify and develop technologies and configurations that will accelerate the entry-into-service of a commercial hybrid-electric aircraft in a class of up to 50 seats by 2035/40. FUTPRINTS0 addresses the need to accelerate disruptive technologies in aviation to ensure Carbon Neutral growth commitment from FlightPath2050.

The FutPrInt50 project has successfully crafted a comprehensive roadmap on technology and certification, outlining crucial steps towards the realization of a Hybrid Electric Aircraft by 2035-2040. The outcome is an extensive database housing the analysis results, providing a bird-eye view of the progress. Through dynamic views such as the timeline and readiness, it is possible to track the advancements of (sub)capabilities by projects over time, with a goal of reaching TRL 7 level by 2030 and beyond. A central role plays the Hybrid Electric demonstrator, which showcases the seamless interaction and integration of all elements into a unified design.

The FuTPrInt50 roadmap stands as an interactive overview, mapping the trajectory towards FUTure PRopulsion INTegration for 50-seat regional hybrid-electric aircraft, aimed at their successful entry-into-service by 2035-2040.

EASA contributed to the Advisory Board, and through a dedicated research contract. In the frame of the contract, EASA has provided advice and feedback on CS25 regulatory gap analysis on areas of electrical systems and propulsion batteries, and Powerplant & Fuel systems.