The specific objective of this Notice of Proposed Amendment (NPA) is to propose amendments to CS-25 following the selection of non-complex, non-controversial and mature subjects. In particular, this NPA proposes amendments to the following items:
- Item 1: Landing in abnormal configurations
- Item 2: Fuel tank vent fire protection
- Item 3: Indication that engine anti-icing systems are functioning
- Item 4: Oxygen fire hazards in gaseous oxygen systems
- Item 5: Flight instrument external probe de-icing test
- Item 6: Flight crew seats
- Item 7: Non-magnetic standby compass
- Item 8: Security requirements
- Item 9: Engine ETOPS capability
- Item 10: Engine cowl retention
- Item 11: Editorial corrections
The proposed amendments are expected to contribute to updating CS-25 (Book 1 and Book 2) to reflect the state of the art of large aeroplane certification and improve the harmonisation of CS-25 with the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) regulations. Overall, this would provide a moderate safety benefit, would have no social or environmental impacts, and would provide some economic benefits by streamlining the certification process.
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