EASA STC’s being presented for approval when the pre-mod configuration is not EASA approved. What are EASA changes embedded in Non-EASA approved design?
Points 21.A.101 and 21.B.107 of Annex I of Regulation (EU) 748/2012 require that the changed product complies with the applicable certification basis. Therefore, the applicant needs to demonstrate that the change for which EASA has received an application is compliant with the EASA certification basis at a product level. It is not sufficient for the applicant to demonstrate compliance of the change at only change level.
The change, for which the applicant has requested EASA approval, must include all affected parts of the non-approved change that builds the interface to the EASA approved product and all affected compliance demonstration (influences on the product and the non-approved interface change).
A limitation is likely to be necessary so that the STC cannot be installed on an EASA registered product as long as the interface change is not yet EASA approved.