Where can I find the EU medical requirements for Cabin Crew?

Where can I find the EU medical requirements for Cabin Crew?


Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 Aircrew, Annex IV Part-MED.                                                                                       
ED Decision 2011/015/R containing AMC and GM. 
All the referenced regulations are available on EASA website.

NOTE: This FAQ only provides an overview of the area-content covered by the individual Subparts A, C and D of the Reg. 1178/2011. The medical requirements for cabin crew are extensive in text, therefore to find the exact aspect you are looking for, you need to look through the respective Subpart of the Reg. 1178/2011, Annex IV Part-MED and the related AMC and GM (ED Decision 2011/015/R). 

Regulation (EU) No 1178/2011 - Annex IV - Part-MED: https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/regulations/commission-regulation-eu-no-11782011

  • Subpart A, Section 1: scope, definitions, decrease in medical fitness, obligations of doctors who conduct aero-medical assessments of cabin crew, etc. 
  • Subpart C (all): requirements for medical fitness of cabin crew
  • Subpart D, Section 1: aero-medical examiners (AEM)
  • Subpart D, Section 3: occupational health medical practitioners (OHMP); requirements for doctors who conduct aero-medical assessments of cabin crew

ED Decision 2011/015/R contains acceptable means of compliance (AMC) and guidance material (GM) which complement the rules. The AMC and GM specify the detailed medical conditions and the related medical examinations or investigations:  https://www.easa.europa.eu/document-library/agency-decisions/ed-decision-2011015r

Last updated

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