What can I do if I do not need the certificate anymore (surrender of certificates)?

What can I do if I do not need the certificate anymore (surrender of certificates)?


If you plan to surrender the ETSO authorisation of your equipment, please bear in mind that, even if your company stopped manufacturing it a long time ago, there could still be units in service. In general the ETSO authorisation needs to be in place for continued airworthiness purposes. At the first airworthiness related issue occurring in service, EASA might issue an AD to mandate removal from service of the equipment whose certificate was surrendered.

In order to have an ETSO certificate surrendered please send an e-mail request (application form not available) to applicant.services [at] easa.europa.eu. State the approval number and the reason for the surrender. You will receive a confirmation e-mail containing the next steps, which are usually:

  • allocation of the surrender exercise to EASA PCM 
  • acceptance of the request for surrender
  • notification of all ICAO states about the surrender
  • update the list of EASA ETSO authorisations
  • notification of the surrender to the public.

Once the surrender has been accepted you will receive a decision letter and you will have to return the original certificates to EASA.

The Certification Information is published on the EASA website on the latest news page and also under the Type Certificates Information page.

Last updated

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