What are the obligations when carrying AED’s (Automated Emergency Defibrillators) on board as per CAT.IDE.A.220 and CAT.IDE.A.225?

What are the obligations when carrying AED’s (Automated Emergency Defibrillators) on board as per CAT.IDE.A.220 and CAT.IDE.A.225?


AED (Automated Emergency Defibrillators) can be considered as carry on board medical equipment. The provision where the AED will be stowed should be certified (capable to carry the load and placarded accordingly). If the AED is stowed in a stowage as for passenger luggage we would not necessarily ask for full 25.853 compliance especially when considered as carry on board equipment. If you want to certify it (being part of the modification) then compliance to the applicable CS requirements must be demonstrated. 

In addition, you should have a look into the guidance material to Part CAT 140. Here you will find some information related to the electro mechanical interference of medical equipment.
If the AED is considered as carry on board medical equipment, there is no need for a certified installation. The operator is however obliged to conduct an assessment as per AMC1 CAT.GEN.MPA.140.

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