- Maintenance Organisations (MOA) / Maintenance Training Organisations (MTOA)
- Pilot Training Organisations and Aero-Medical centres organisations approvals (Part-ORA-ATO)
- Design Organisation approvals (DOA) / Alternative procedure to design organisation approvals (APDOA)
- Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTDs)
- Production Organisations (POA)
- Authorisation for Third Country Operators (TCO)
- Applications Gateway
Maintenance Organisations (MOA) / Maintenance Training Organisations (MTOA)
Where can I find the application forms for Maintenance Organisations (MOA)?
The application forms for Maintenance Organisation applications are available here.
Can you give me the name of Part 145 (MOA) organisations in [EASA member state]?
According to the Part 145.1 EASA is the competent authority for organisations located outside the EU territories. Within the EU Member States each National Aviation Authority (NAA) is the competent authority.
In accordance with above specified regulatory paragraph, EASA publishes the list of valid and non-valid Foreign EASA Part-145 approvals located outside of the EU Member States which are issued by EASA.
Following the same reference each EU NAA is tasked to issue a similar list of approvals granted on its own territory. Unfortunately not all EU NAA do have such a list of national approvals or even a website.
For the moment we can provide you with the list of EASA member states on our website.
Do you have a list of Non-EU Part 145 (MOA) organisations?
Where can I find more information about EASA Part-145 located in Canada?
More information on the EASA Part-145 organisations located in Canada page
Where can I find more information about EASA Part-145 located in the USA
More information on the EASA Part-145 organisations located in the USA page
We have a Part 145 approval from a national authorities that has no Bilateral Aviation Safety Agreement with EASA. Now we are looking for an EASA 145 approval. What is to be done with regard to procedures, requirements and fee structure?
On our Foreign part-145 organisations page you will find useful information with regard to the requirements, the timeframe and the approval procedure.
Furthermore please consult also the User Guide for Applicants for Foreign Part-145 approvals and the application form EASA FORM 2.
Please note that the EASA Fees & Charges Regulation (Commission Regulation (EU) 319/2014) has entered into force on 01 April 2014.
For further information please consult the Fees & Charges FAQ.
Please review especially table 9 of the Fees & Charges Regulation (Commission Regulation (EU) 319/2014).
Is it mandatory to hold a maintenance organization approval from a local NAA prior to applying EASA for an EASA Part-145 approval or is it possible to apply EASA directly without any approval from local CAA?
Please note that it is not mandatory to be an approved maintenance organisation from local CAA in country without bilateral agreement prior to applying for an EASA Part-145 approval for certain ratings and we confirm that it is possible to apply to EASA directly without any approval from local CAA.
We are an FAA Repair station and would like to apply for an initial application to EASA Part-145?
We kindly ask you to consult our EASA Part-145 organisations located in the USA
There you will find useful information with regard to the requirements, approval procedure and the fees & charges.
Please review EASA-FAA (MAG) for US approved organisations subject to Agreement between the United States of America and the European Community on cooperation in the regulation of civil aviation safety (as of 01 June 2016 currently at change 6)
It is required to complete EASA FORM 16 which should be submitted to your Principal Maintenance Inspector (PMI) at FAA. Please contact your PMI at FAA.
We are an FAA Repair station and would like to apply for renewal of our EASA Part-145 approval?
According to the MAG CHANGE 6 “it is the applicants responsibility to prepare the renewal package in time to receive the new certificate. Typically, this should occur 90 days prior to the expiration.”
With regard to timing, these actions for renewal are completely disconnected from the applicant’s obligation to comply with EASAs Fees and Charges Regulation. Therefore please do not wait for the EASA invoice and proceed with the renewal process within the timeframe specified in the MAG.
Please submit the completed EASA FORM 16 to your PMI at FAA.
As soon as we will receive the complete continuation package from the FAA including EASA FORM 16, EASA FORM 9, Air Agency Certificate, operation specifications and repair station profile we will confirm receipt to the FAA and to your organisation.
Currently EASA sends out the invoices 60 days after the renewal of the approval. Payment shall be made only after the receipt of the invoice.
We are an Approved Maintenance Organisation (AMO) in Canada and would like to apply for an initial application to EASA Part-145?
For more information you can visit our EASA Part-145 organisations located in Canada page and please review especially Maintenance Annex Guidance (MAG Rev.1)
There you will find useful information with regard to the requirements, approval procedure and the fees & charges.
It is required to complete EASA FORM 17 which should be submitted to your TCCA Regional Office. Please contact your TCCA Regional Office.
We are an ANAC RBAC 145 Maintenance Organizations located in Brazil and would like to apply for an initial application to EASA Part-145
For more information you can visit our page EASA Part-145 Organisations located in Brazil and please review especially Maintenance Annex Guidance (MAG) EASA-ANAC.
It is required to complete EASA FORM 18 which should be submitted to your supervising ANAC Airworthiness Regional Office. Please contact your supervising ANAC Airworthiness Regional Office for any further questions.
Do you have a list of Non-EU Part-147 (MTOA) organisations?
Can you give me the name of Part 147 (MTOA) organisations in [EASA member state]?
Further to your request, please be informed that the Agency is only responsible for those training organisations located outside of the EASA Member States. For those located within the EASA member states, the National Aviation Authorities are responsible for the approval and the publication of the "national lists". Therefore you need to contact local National Aviation Authority directly to find the information you are looking for.
How can I apply for an EASA Part-147 approval?
In order to apply for an EASA Part 147 Approval, it is required to send an application EASA form 12 together with a copy of the Certificate of Incorporation of the organisation (translated in English where necessary).
The scope of approval applied for should be detailed as much as possible, and the number of staff to be declared in the application form should be limited to the staffs –included contractors- that will be actively involved into the Part 147 operations. The type and number of courses and the number of facilities should be mentioned on the application form.
Following the reception of the application form 12, an eligibility check will be carried out; the purpose of the eligibility check is to ensure that the scope of the application is relevant, but also that the certification process can be carried out in a reasonably timely manner, taking into account -in particular- the availability of EASA surveyors. Please also note that travelling arrangements are subject to a risk assessment and surveyors may not be allowed to travel to certain regions/ countries.
Once an application has been accepted, an estimate of the fees shall be provided to the applicant and upon acceptance the invoice related to the initial certification task shall be submitted. The contact details of the surveyor will be provided to the applicant and he is requested to contact the surveyor in order to organise the review of documents (MTOE, courses, exam questions…) as well as the schedule for the initial certification audit.
Download the User Guide regarding the certification process
For further questions regarding our fees and charges please consult the Fees & Charges Regulation (Commission Regulation (EC) 319/2014) which has entered into force on 01 April 2014 Commission Regulation (EU) No 319/2014. Please review especially table 10 of the Fees & Charges Regulation (Commission Regulation (EU) 319/2014). For further information visit our Fees & Charges FAQ's
This regulation is used to determine the applicable initial fees, and then the annual oversight fees. Please note that the fees are subject to an annual inflation rate and do not include the travel costs associated to on-site audits (flight & train tickets, accommodation and travel hours -which are charged on an hourly rate basis- etc...). These will be charged separately.
How can I apply for a Part-66 licence?
If you want to get a Part 66 licence, you have to comply with the Part-66 requirements (in particular, 66.A.10 Applications and for experience: 66.A.25 “Basic knowledge requirements”, item (a), and 66.A.30 “Experience Requirements”).
You can find this information in the EASA Web Page at the following link:
The basic knowledge requirements must be demonstrated by examination. These examinations can be performed either in a Part-147 training organisation approved by a EU Member State or as delivered by the competent authorities of the EU Member State where you may intend to apply for a licence. View the list of the foreign EASA approved Part-147 organisations
Further information via our Regulations FAQ's
In case of questions please use our contact form
We are a UK company holding a Maintenance Organisation approval issued by the UK-CAA. In preparation for the UK leaving the EU and consequently the EASA system, can we already apply for an EASA approval to be valid as of the date when the UK will leave the EU?
Please refer to Brexit page.
We are a UK company holding a Maintenance Training Organisation approval issued by the UK-CAA. In preparation for the UK leaving the EU and consequently the EASA system, can we already apply for an EASA approval to be valid as of the date when the UK will leave the EU?
Please refer to Brexit page.
We are a UK company holding a Continuing Airworthiness Maintenance Organisation approval issued by the UK-CAA. In preparation for the UK leaving the EU and consequently the EASA system, can we already apply for an EASA approval to be valid as of the date when the UK will leave the EU?
Please refer to Brexit page.
Where can I find the application forms for Maintenance Organisations (MOA)?
The application forms for Maintenance Organisation applications are available here.
How much does my application/certificate cost for a Foreign EASA Part-145 approval?
For costs related to your approval, please refer to the tables sorted by application type that are provided in the Annex of the EASA fees and charges regulation Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2019/2153. Please review especially table 9 of the Fees & Charges Regulation (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2019/2153).
For further information please consult the Fees & Charges FAQ's
How much does my application/certificate cost for a Foreign EASA Part-145 approval with applicable bilateral agreement (USA, CANADA and BRAZIL)?
For costs related to your approval, please refer to the tables sorted by application type that are provided in the Annex of the EASA fees and charges regulation Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2019/2153. Please review especially table 12 of the Fees & Charges Regulation (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2019/2153).
For further information please visit the Fees & Charges FAQ's.
How much does my application/certificate cost for a Foreign EASA Part-147 approval?
For costs related to your approval, please refer to the tables sorted by application type that are provided in the Annex of the EASA fees and charges regulation Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2019/2153. Please review especially table 10 of the Fees & Charges Regulation (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2019/2153). The table explaining how we practically determine chargeable courses and sites is also available in the FAQ section C.4.5 of the Fees and Charges regulation
Please note that the fees are subject to an annual inflation rate and do not include the travel costs associated to on-site audits (flight & train tickets, accommodation and travel hours -which are charged on an hourly rate basis- etc...). These will be charged separately.
How much does my application/certificate cost for a Part-M subpart G Foreign CAMO Organisation?
For costs related to your approval, please refer to the tables sorted by application type that are provided in the Annex of the EASA fees and charges regulation Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2019/2153. Please review especially table 11 of the Fees & Charges Regulation (Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) No 2019/2153).
Further information via our Fees & Charges FAQ's.
Associated audit travel costs (flight, hotel, daily allowance) are also charged to the organisation (you can consider an average of 2/3 audits per year with one/two auditors, based on the scope of work of the organisation).
Related Frequently Asked Questions:
Pilot Training Organisations and Aero-Medical centres organisations approvals (Part-ORA-ATO)
Where can I find more information about Pilot Training Organisations and Aero-Medical Centres Organisations Approvals (Part-ORA ATO)?
We are a UK company holding a Approved Training Organisation (ATO) approval issued by the UK-CAA. In preparation for the UK leaving the EU and consequently the EASA system, can we already apply for an EASA approval to be valid as of the date when the UK will leave the EU?
Please refer to Brexit page.
We are a UK company holding an Aero-Medical Centres (AeMC)approval issued by the UK-CAA. In preparation for the UK leaving the EU and consequently the EASA system, can we already apply for an EASA approval to be valid as of the date when the UK will leave the EU?
Please refer to Brexit page.
Design Organisation approvals (DOA) / Alternative procedure to design organisation approvals (APDOA)
Flight Simulation Training Devices (FSTDs)
We are a UK company holding an Flight Simulation Training Device (FSTD) approval issued by the UK-CAA. In preparation for the UK leaving the EU and consequently the EASA system, can we already apply for an EASA approval to be valid as of the date when the UK will leave the EU?
Please refer to Brexit page.
Production Organisations (POA)
Where can I find more information about Production Organisations (POA)?
What else do I need to know on the Surveillance Fee for holders of EASA Production Organisation Approvals?
After the issuance of the Production Organisation Approval, EASA will levy per period of twelve (12) months an annual surveillance fee in accordance with Table 10 of Part I of the Annex to this Regulation (refer to Surveillance fee), for the purpose of maintaining the certificate. The first 12-month period starts on the date on which the certificate is issued.
The revised Regulation introduces two new criteria to determine the applicable fees:
Number of related staff
- Staff related below 100
- Between 100 and 499
- Between 500 and 999
- Between 1 000 and 4 999
- Between 5 000 and 20 000
- Over 20 000
Highest Priced Product
- Below EUR 5 000
- Between EUR 5 000 and 100 000
- Above EUR 100 000
"Number of related staff": The information must reflect the number of staff, or in case of an initial approval the intended number of staff, for the complete activities to be covered by the approval and therefore must include also any associated administrative staff.
"Highest Priced Product": Value (as mentioned in the relevant manufacturer’s list prices) of the most expensive product, part or non-installed equipment that is included in the approved POA scope of work (capability list) of the EASA POA holder.
The amounts referred to in Part I of the Annex shall be indexed, with effect of 01 January each year, to the inflation rate in accordance with the method set out in Part IV of the Annex.
Please note that the above summary of the related provisions of the Fees & Charges regulation is provided for convenience only. If, at any time, there is a discrepancy, inconsistency or conflict between the information provided above and information in the Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/2153, the latter shall prevail.
Applications Gateway
What is the Applications Gateway process?
In case of temporary capacity shortages on the side of EASA or EASA subcontracted National Aviation Authorities (NAA)/Qualified Entities (QE), the Agency reserves the right to delay the start of the technical work for certain applications.
The gateway process is introduced to ensure that affected applications are managed in a transparent, objective, and consistent manner.
The following types of applications may be affected if they require a high amount of and/or specific resources that are unavailable at the time of application:
- New applications for Certification tasks and services or requests for registration of declarations
- New applications for Organisation approvals or requests for registration of declarations
The process will not be applied for:
- Ongoing projects (interruptions are possible at applicant request, refer to FAQ n. 21898)
- Continuing Airworthiness activities for EASA approved and declared products
- Oversight activities for EASA approved and declared organisations (including renewals)
Gateway steps
- CRITERIA: Applications are selected for the gateway in case of high shortage of EASA/NAA/QE capacity, high project workload, long project duration, high project impact on other ongoing EASA activities
- DURATION: A tentative gateway end date is communicated to the applicant following gateway selection
- COSTS: No Fees and Charges are raised until the application is released from the gateway process
RULES: The original application date remains the reference date for application (for project duration, Part 21 certification basis)