The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) has published Issue 2 and Issue 3 of the Easy Access Rules for Master Minimum Equipment List (EAR for CS-MMEL).
Issue 2 of the EAR for CS-MMEL incorporates the certification specifications (CSs) and guidance material (GM) of CS-MMEL Issue 2, as introduced by ED Decision 2020/012/R.
Issue 3 includes ED Decision 2021/008/R, which issued CS-MMEL Issue 3.
All three Issues are available in a pdf format, whereas Issues 2 and 3 are additionally available as dynamic online publications with filters, search functions, and easy navigation for computers, tablets, and mobiles, as well as in machine-readable (xml) format.
Being generated through the eRules platform, the document will be updated regularly to incorporate further changes and evolutions to the CSs and GM.
Please send your feedback and comments by using the Easy Access Rules area on the contact us form.