30/01/2024, 12:30 - 17:15 CET (UTC +1)
31/01/2024, 09:00 - 14:45 CET (UTC +1)
EASA and Austro Control are co-organizing a conference dedicated to Fatigue Risk Management to be held at Austro Control in Vienna, Austria, January 30 – 31 2024.
The aim of this conference is to draw the attention of the aviation authorities of EASA Member States, airlines and aircrew associations on aircrew fatigue and the resulting aviation safety risk that needs to be mitigated to a level as low as reasonably practicable.
The focus of the conference will be on the methods for fatigue risk management and the differences between them, as well as on the means to encourage safety culture and fatigue reporting.
The importance of fatigue management training will also be addressed to raise crew and airline awareness of its importance in mitigating the effect of fatigue on crew performance and health. Conference participants will be introduced to the best practices for fatigue risk management by an array of speakers from the airlines, crew associations and oversight authorities.
The conference is designed to create a platform for the active exchange and open discussion on experience, best practice, and challenges around Fatigue Risk Management.
For collecting questions and answers, please use slido:
- Event link: Fatigue (sli.do),
- Passcode: nhl6sm.
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