Revision 15 issued 31 October 2024. The validity of the CZIB has been extended until 30 April 2025.
30/04/2025, unless reviewed earlier.
Referenced publication(s):
Aeronautical Publications issued by or on behalf of Syria, by the Aviation Authorities of the neighbouring States and by the State of Operator.
Syrian airspace, all altitudes.
This CZIB is issued on the basis of information available to EU Member States and EU institutions. Due to the remaining hazardous security situation, with the presence of terrorist organisations and ongoing military operations, there is a risk of both intentional targeting and misidentification of civil aircraft. The presence of a wide range of ground-to-ground and dedicated anti-aviation weaponry poses a HIGH risk to operations at all flight altitudes.
EASA recommends not to fly within the airspace over Syria at all altitudes and flight levels.
Air operators should closely monitor airspace developments in the region and follow all available aeronautical publications issued by Syria, or on their behalf by the Aviation Authorities of the neighbouring States, including information shared through the European Information Sharing and Cooperation Platform on Conflict Zones, alongside available guidance or direction from their national authorities.