2016-2013NM460018 AK-950-FTR

Suspected Unapproved Parts Details

Part name
Radio Frequency Interface (RFI) Direct Current (DC) Filters
Part Number

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) has determined Ameri-King Corp., located at 17881 Sampson Lane, Huntington Beach CA 92648, manufactured, sold or distributed parts and articles for installation on FAA type certificated aircraft, which did not conform to an approved design, but were represented as FAA approved. On December 28, 2015, the FAA issued an emergency cease and desist order to Ameri-King Corp., terminating their TSOA and PMA. The emergency cease and desist order required Ameri-King Corp. to immediately cease and desist manufacturing, selling, and distributing any parts and articles for installation on FAA type certificated aircraft. Prohibited activities also include advertising, repairing, rebuilding, and altering any articles intended for installation on type certificated products.
It appears Ameri-King Corp. may be continuing to produce parts and articles represented as TSOA or PMA approved despite the emergency cease and desist order. Any parts and articles produced by Ameri-King Corp. after December 28, 2015, were produced without an FAA production approval

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