CS ACNS.D.ADSB.100 Integrity

ED Decision 2013/031/R

(a) The ADS-B Out system integrity is designed commensurate with a ‘major’ failure condition for the transmission of the following parameters:

(1) ICAO 24-bit aircraft address;

(2) Airborne Horizontal Position — Latitude and Longitude;

(3) Airborne Navigation Integrity Category: NIC;

(4) Airborne/Surface Navigation Accuracy Category for Position: NACp;

(5) Airborne/Surface Source Integrity Level: SIL;

(6) Airborne/Surface System Design Assurance: SDA;

(7) 1090 ES Version Number;

(8) Airborne velocity over Ground — East/West and North/South;

(9) Airborne/Surface Navigation Accuracy Category for Velocity: NACv;

(10) Emitter Category;

(11) Surface Horizontal Position — Latitude and Longitude;

(12) Surface Navigation Integrity Category: NIC;

(13) Surface Ground Track;

(14) Movement (surface ground speed);

(15) Length/width of Aircraft;

(16) GPS Antenna Offset;

(17) Geometric Altitude;

(18) Geometric Altitude Quality: GVA;

(b) The ADS-B Out system integrity is designed commensurate with a ‘minor‘ failure condition for the transmission of other data parameters.

CS ACNS.D.ADSB.105 Continuity

ED Decision 2022/008/R

(See AMC1 ACNS.D.ADSB.105)

The ADS-B Out system is designed to provide a level of continuity that supports the intended operation with a remote probability of failure.

[Issue: CS-ACNS/4]

AMC1 ACNS.D.ADSB.105 Continuity

ED Decision 2022/008/R

The allowable quantitative probability of loss of the ADS-B Out functionality per flight hour should be less than or equal to 2 × 10–4 (i.e. the mean time between failures, which is equal to or greater than 5 000 flight hours).

[Issue: CS-ACNS/4]