The objective of this Opinion is to provide cost-efficient rules for low-risk unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) operations in the ‘specific’ category.
This Opinion proposes the addition of two standard scenarios (STSs) in Appendix 1 to the Annex to Commission Implementing Regulation (EU) 2019/947, defining the conditions when UAS operators can start an operation after having submitted a declaration to the competent authority. Moreover, the Opinion proposes the introduction of two new Parts in the Annex to Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) 2019/945, including the technical requirements that UAS need to meet in order to be operated in the STSs, and establishing two new UAS classes — classes C5 and C6. The conditions to conduct the STSs are based on the in-service experience of some Member States (MSs) and they have been validated through the application of the specific operations risk assessment (SORA).
The proposed changes are expected to increase the cost-effectiveness for UAS operators, manufacturers and competent authorities, and to improve the harmonisation of UAS operations in the MSs.