European Strategic Coordination Platform (ESCP) members’ list

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The scope of the European Strategic Coordination Platform (ESCP) is to make the European Aviation System more resilient and more secure to cyber threats, by adopting a through-life tiered approach to security in design, production, operations and ultimately disposal of products, systems and services. In order to drive this vision the aviation community (both civil and military) will join in a co-operative partnership, the ESCP, to define and coordinate the implementation of a European Strategy for Cybersecurity in Aviation. For the purpose of achieving adequate consistency and avoid duplications, this strategy shall consider the global context and include appropriate international coordination, taking into account, among other aspects, any relevant ICAO standards and initiatives, ECAC and EU initiatives, as well as any applicable EU regulation and Industry Standards. The success of the ESCP relies on a collaborative effort involving all members of the platform. Members of the platform engage, join, or leave on a voluntary basis following the membership rules described in section 5 of the ESCP Charter.