As it is not relevant, it is not required. So only one RVR would be enough.
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Fernando Barquilla Mogollón commented on a post in Air Operations
Dear aviation colleagues,
I would like to hear your thoughts on following topic regarding Low Visibility Operations.
According AMC3 SPA.LVO.100(b) Table 6 when performing CAT2 approach on a runway with 2 or more RVR assessment units one may be operative.
Imagine following scenario where the MID and ROLL OUT RVR assessment unit are U/S. You perform a landing distance computation and the calculated landing distance is within 2/3 of the landing distance available meaning you will not enter the third part of the runway.
Although the table states that only 1 RVR assessment unit can be U/S, you know that you don’t need the ROLL OUT RVR.
Is it allowed to perform the approach and so disregarding requirements in the Table 6, or will the airport not allow LVP’s when two RVR assessments units are U/S?
Thank you for your inputs/considerations.
John Franklin created a topic in Rotorcraft
Gian Andrea Bandieri created a topic in Cybersecurity
Mike Gahan posted in Cybersecurity
Have the really bad guys caused us to forget “internal innocent” cyber threats?
While we focus - importantly - on the malicious and intentionally targeted cyber threats, we should not forget those from internal and innocent sources.
Look back at the recent aviation cyber incidents in the public domain: FAA NOTAM system in early 2023, UK NATS reduced system availability in Mid 2023,
Norway, the October 2023 Optus shutdown in Australia and consider if more comprehensive testing of software changes before being promoted to operational platforms and regression testing might have averted, or at least minimised, the impacts of these events.
Peter Jacobs posted in Cybersecurity
Excited to join the EASA Cybersecurity Community!
Andrew Farrugia posted in General Aviation
Morning all - interested to hear your views about aircraft private ownership with possible rental to local fliers and/or trusted hour builders. What is the stance of EASA in the GA world.
Janick Cox commented on a post in General Aviation
Probably there is currently a bug in circulating the updated TCDS for P2012 - I did receive it 17 (!) times since yesterday evening (starting at 1717Z)!?
Dear Klaus-Dieter,
Thanks for the feedback and we are aware that some subscribers have received multiple notifications of this publication. We stopped these notifications yesterday around 12:00 and found the cause of the issue. The developers are testing the fix in the testing environment and it will be released to the live website afterwards so this cannot happen again. We apologise for the inconvenience.
Klaus-Dieter Joras posted in General Aviation
Probably there is currently a bug in circulating the updated TCDS for P2012 - I did receive it 17 (!) times since yesterday evening (starting at 1717Z)!?
Thomas Hytten created an event in General Aviation
Vasileios PAPAGEORGIOU created a topic in Cybersecurity
John Franklin created a topic in Rotorcraft
John Franklin created a topic in Rotorcraft
Uchenna Felix Nwachukwu created a topic in General Aviation
Michel Masson commented on Thomas Hytten's event in Rotorcraft
Thanks for sharing, Thomas.
Wishing you success with this important event!
Michel Masson created a topic in Rotorcraft
Michel Masson created a topic in General Aviation
rubel haque posted in General Aviation
Thomas Hytten created an event in General Aviation
Thomas Hytten created an event in Rotorcraft
Thomas Hytten created an event in General Aviation