On Air, Issue 13: New Start for Rotorcraft - Editorial

New Start for Rotorcraft

The helicopter is the most versatile aerial vehicle ever created. It is used amongst others as a mode of transport for emergency medical services, for VIPs, offshore operations, aerial work and for military activities. The cooperation between EASA, the industry, manufacturers and operators is the key to success for a safer helicopter environment.
The rotorcraft industry is constantly changing: new technologies (e.g. tilt rotors) and new types of operation (e.g. wind farms) offer new perspectives and also new challenges. The momentary decline of the offshore industry is also part of the equation to be taken into account.

Among the new areas which EASA is exploring are: the evolution of the rotorcraft regulatory requirements in an international collaborative context, the expectations of industry and the EASA way towards a more risk based approach. Also, staff exchange schemes with the industry are fostered in order to achieve higher synergy, trust, mutual recognition and understanding.

A specific Rotorcraft Sectorial Committee was recently created and kicked off on the 24-25 January 2017. The group will provide industry inputs into the EASA safety risk management process. The Committee is composed of 25 high level representatives from the European Rotorcraft community and is one of the new EASA stakeholders advisory bodies. The development of the rotorcraft sector in regions of the world such as Asia and the cooperation activities undertaken by EASA over there are also pillars of the EASA model. The Agency is getting organised to address the new challenges and will benefit from this new start.

Massimo Mazzoletti
Head of EASA Rotorcraft department